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Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.
To schedule an appointment, you can call our clinic at 0288409117 or use our online booking system on our website (Book Now located at the top of the page). Our friendly staff will assist you in finding a convenient time for your visit.
Your initial session will include a thorough assessment of your condition, medical history and lifestyle. The practitioner will discuss treatment options and develop a personalised plan tailored to your needs.
The duration can depend on your specific needs and treatment plan. An initial session generally lasts 40minutes and follow up sessions last 30 minutes.
In most cases a referral is not necessary. However, if you wish to claim on Medicare or through workers compensation then a referral to Chiropractic services will be necessary.
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes that allows the practitioner easy access to the area being treated.
The number of sessions will vary depending on the nature and severity of your condition. After your initial session the practitioner will provide an estimate of the recommended treatment duration. Some injuries require long term treatment and rehabilitation planning whereas other conditions may only require a few sessions.
There is plenty of on site parking within the complex.
We offer a range of payment options including: cash, credit/debit card, AMEX, HICAPS/Private health rebates.
Medicare usually doesn’t cover chiropractic care, except in cases where individuals have chronic health conditions. If you qualify, Medicare can help with up to 5 chiropractic sessions per year. To access this, you need a referral from your General Practitioner (GP) and enrollment in an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan, also known as a care plan. Talk to your GP if you think you’re eligible. Keep in mind that even with an EPC plan, you may still have to pay a gap fee for chiropractic services. For more details about EPC plans and gap fees, contact us on 0288409117.
You may reschedule an appointment by calling or emailing as soon as possible.
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